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7 Animals are faithful to partner

1. Meadow mice (Microtus ochrogaster)

Stud of the mice of this type will spent a lifetime with the first female intercourse with him. Instead of flirting with other females, was so loyal, males are even attacking other females who dare approach.

2. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

Birds of prey are a symbol of the United States so it is quite faithful. They will look for a new partner after her partner died.

3. Anglerfish (Lophiiformes)


Monogamy in marine fishes is very extreme. When mating the male bites the female until their blood mingled, and stud running out of sperm.

4.Antelop Africa (Madoqua kirkii)

Unlike most monogamous creatures, male antelope no help females in parenting.

5. Shark Muzzle Shovels (Sphyrna tiburo)

 This type of shark female mating with several males at once. However, the child resulting from a single male.

6. Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)

This is an example of conservative monogamous. If caught "cheating" vulture spread in the Americas will be under attack from her partner, also from his.

7. Wolves (Canis lupus)


 A wolf can have multiple partners in her life, but only have one partner at a time. Wolves females only mating with a male, but will look for a replacement if the spouse dies, expelled from the group, ill or infertile.

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6 animals with dangerous electric shock

1. Peter’elephantnose Fish 

Found around river in west and central Africa, fish is a funky dark. Rod-like protrusion of the head (which is not like the elephant, is actually the mouth over the nose). Elephantnose equipped with a special organ that produces electricity, which is located in the tail, which consists of thousands of "box-like multi-nucleated cells" called electroplax (or electroplaques). According WetWebMedia.com, in a state of rest, each electroplax cells have a negative charge and positive charge on the outside. When the organs are stimulated by muscle contraction, internal / external costs is reversed, creates weak electric currents. Thus, elephantfish is able to detect different levels of distortion in the field of self produced and then be able to distinguish between predators and prey.

2. Electric Stingray 

Such as the electric eel, this animal, is able to control the voltage in any electrical charge in the body. Organ production is located on both sides of the head and putting together anywhere from eight to 220 volts. There are 69 species of rays in four families, with the most prominent genus Torpedo named after the Latin word "torpere," which means to cause to be stiff or paralyzed. Shock generated by the average-sized ray similar to the effect when dropping hair dryer into the tub.

3. Hammerhead shark

With hundreds of thousands of organs electrorecptor (called Ampullae of Lorenzini) in their bodies, this being the only shark shark has the greatest electrical sensitivity that can detect signals from half a billion volts of other animals. And make it easier to find prey. Consists of jelly-filled canal opening as pores (and looks like black spots on the surface), ampullae detect electrical fields generated by other underwater inhabitants, so the hammer to scan the sand and dig up dinner from the sea floor. Hammerheads are also said to be on their internal detection as GPS devices, helping to adjust to detect ocean currents moving in the magnetic field of the earth.

4. Echidnas

Including members of the order monotreme, spiny animals have elongated snout that serves as both the mouth and nose. This is the same muzzle also sends electrical signals that help them find insects for in gusto. Electroreceptive system in the snout less complex than platypuses, with only 2,000 in the long-snouted electroplax and only 400 in the short-snouted. Electroreception they proved useful despite them being land animals because they are constantly wet snout. It is much easier to conduct electricity in water than in the field, which is why most animals with electroreception especially water. However, scientists believe electroreceptors being "selected against" because terrestrial echidnas rely much less on electroreception for food than their counterparts water.

5. Electrophorus electricus 

Most commonly found in the waters of South America, electric eels generate more electricity than any other animal in the world. With 5,000 to 6,000 electroplax! What's more, research shows that they can produce intermittent shock for an hour without tiring. That amount of power could easily prove fatal to humans average-sized adult. However, part of what makes an electric eel is unique is its ability to control the intensity of their shocks. Fish with high voltage is contrary to popular belief and the moniker the people, an electric eel is not really classified as an eel, but rather as a fish.

6. Catfish Electric 

 This freshwater catfish, native to tropical African waters. With the ability to generate electricity up to 350 volts which is roughly the same amount needed to power a computer for 45 minutes - the fish is better equipped to ward off predators than almost any other animal. Composed of modified muscle tissue, they form the electric organ gelatinous layer just under the skin of catfish that.

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7 animals that have a deadly bite

1. Crocodile (5000 PSI)

Crocodile is an animal with the strongest bite! With very sharp teeth and jaw muscles are super strong. There could be no survivors if the victim had entered the mouth of a crocodile. Once his mouth shut, it is very difficult to open the mouth of a crocodile.
2. Hippopotamus (1821 PSI)
Hippos are mammals with the strongest bite. Despite the fact they are not very sharp teeth, but they are super strong jaws. Hippos are herbivores, but their jaws enough to scare his rival in the river, the crocodile. So the hippo had no enemies.
3. Gorilla (1300 PSI)
Gorilla teeth actually not so sharp, but they are very powerful jaw muscles. So they are super strong bite force. Gorillas are herbivores (plant eaters), and teeth adapted for crushing plant stalks are very hard, like a bamboo rod.
4. Hyena (1100 PSI) 
Hyenas are carnivorous, with the strongest bite. Strong enough to crush and pulverize bones like femur super big elephant! Due adapted for crushing tulang2 super big, not surprisingly, Hyena milk has the highest calcium content compared to other predators.
5. Tiger (1050 PSI)
Tiger is the cat family with the strongest bite. Tactics kill prey like a lion, the bite in the neck to strangle their prey to death. Not only have very strong jaws, teeth are also very sharp fangs tiger, lion is unrivaled.
6. Alligator Snapping Turtle (1004 PSI)


Believing there was a turtle powerful bite? His name is Alligator Snapping Turtle, animals without teeth with the strongest bite. Even without teeth, jaw, they are super strong, with a weak bite, enough to cut the human finger.
7. Bear (740 PSI)

Bear Tooth has a considerable size with strong jaws as well. Their teeth are adapted to eat any kind of food, as they are omnivorous animals (meat and plant eaters).

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Eagles are warm-blooded animals, have wings and body are covered with fur midrib. For birds, eagles breed by laying eggs that have hard shells in the nest he made. She looked after him until able to fly.

The eagle is a predator. The main food small mammals such as mice, squirrels, lizards, fish and chicken, as well the types of insects bergntung his size. There are some of eagles catching fish as a main meal mereka.Biasanya eagles live in the waters. Hawk toothless but curved and strong to tear the flesh of its prey. Birds also have a pair of strong legs and sharp nails and curved for gripping prey and sharp eyesight to hunt prey from a distance beyond measure.

eagle has a good respiratory system and be able to provide the amount of oxygen that much needed when flying. Eagle heart consists of four chambers like humans. Upper chambers known as the atria, while the bottom chambers known as ventricles.

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5 unique animals that emit light

1.lightning bug     

There are over 2,000 species of fireflies, which is actually winged beetles. Mechanism glowing fireflies usually show some information such as the time of his life. The fireflies glow even when they were still a small larvae. Wink their pallor, light lime acts as a warning to predators.



anus-comb jellies (ctenophores) are gentle creatures similar to jellyfish and sea anemones. They generally feed on microscopic plants and tiny marine animals. Some capture prey using tentacles (proboscis resembles organ) were sticky and can move in water like a rope tackle. In addition, almost all comb jellies have special light-producing cells along the back of their bodies.
3. Cacing Bom (Swima bombiviridis)

New worm species found in deep sea is unique because the body can manifest light. Scientists said the worm was able to issue a rare "natural bom" of luminescence light in body. Because of the unique ability of worms that get the scientific name Swima bombiviridis. Karen Osborn and his team from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, reported the discovery of seven new species of worms in the scientific journal Science.

4. Anglefish 

  Anglerfish is a unique fish. His appearance was fleeting creepy because her mouth is round and has a curved fangs that width & length. Another characteristic is the angler fish light organ on the kind of "fishing lines" at the top of the muzzle. Another type of angler fish, for example Thaumaticthys pagidostomus, has light organs under his teeth. Angler fish has no swim bladder (due to the depth of that bubble pool or human lung) will be destroyed by the pressure of the sea, so that the fish had spent his entire life in the deep sea and never rises to the surface.

5. Krill

Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that can be found in all the oceans of the world. They are eaten by many animals, including birds, whales, squid and whale sharks. They are usually found in large groups, with more than 10,000 krill per cubic meter. The advantages of krill is that they can emit light from its body to scare predators.

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